Mobility for Runners

Boost Run Performance: Stretching & Mobility PART 2

Alice Baquie

Alice Baquie

· 3 min read

In PART 1 of this blog we established that whilst stretching and mobility won't directly enhance your run performance or prevent injuries, it remains an integral piece of a balanced running regimen. However it's important to highlight that stretching should not substitute strength training, but rather complement it. It serves as a crucial pre-run primer and a post-run cool down method helping to improve technique, efficiency, and recovery.

Best Stretching/Mobility Practices for Runners

For the most comprehensive benefits, mixing various mobility strategies is recommended. A balanced approach might include:

  • Dynamic movements before running, such as leg swings or lunges.
  • Post-run foam rolling and static stretches
  • A weekly yoga or mobility session for overall reset

Incorporating a few minutes of stretching before and after runs can significantly enhance your flexibility and recovery, helping to reduce stiffness post training. Throwing in a pre or post run mobility session into your routine is a fantastic way to seamlessly sneak some mobility into your training. Check out our recommendations below for how you can include stretching and mobility into your week.

Weekly Recommendations

  • Pre-Run (5-7 mins): Engage in dynamic drills to mobilise joints and tissues, improving your running fluidity. Favourites include leg swings, lunges, calf raises, and lumbar rotations.
  • Post-Run (5-8 mins): Emphasise slow-release stretches and foam rolling to alleviate tension in muscles and connective tissue. Key areas include hip flexors, calves, and the thoracic spine.
  • Weekly Mobility Session (30-45 mins): Dedicate time each week for a comprehensive stretch routine focusing on spinal mobility, hip openers, and whole-body flexibility, incorporating various techniques like hold-relax methods, neural stretches, and movement flows.

Benefits Beyond Flexibility

These sessions not only enhance physical mobility but also offer mental relaxation and stress relief, promoting overall well-being. Regular mobility work can transform your running experience, making you feel rejuvenated and ready to tackle more miles.

For mobility routines tailored for runners, explore for a range of resources designed to elevate your running journey.

Alice Baquie

About Alice Baquie

Alice has been a physio for fourteen years and specialises in injury prevention and management for runners. Alice has represented Australia in distance running and gymnastics so has sound knowledge of athletic performance and understands the importance of strength conditioning and mobility to help keep the body moving effectively to mitigate injuries.

Alice, otherwise known to her wonderful pilates community as AB is a fun loving inclusive person always ready to chat and have a laugh and has hosted 1000’s of online classes which attract people from all around the world, including 25 Aussie Olympians.