Core StrengthPerformance

Boost Running: Core Training for Injury Prevention

Alice Baquie

Alice Baquie

· 5 min read

Alice here from, excited to delve into a topic that can make a real difference in your running journey: core strength for injury prevention.

As a Physiotherapist immersed in the running community, I've witnessed firsthand the transformative power that core strength can add to a runner's training. It's not just an exercise regime; it's a vital component for runners aiming to enhance their resilience, efficiency, and injury prevention strategies. You'll hear the phrase "short, sharp and spicy" thrown into forRunners Pilates classes and that's because they are just that; efficient, effective and challenging sessions to fit easily within your training program.

The Importance of Core Strength for Runners

Core training goes beyond achieving aesthetic goals; it's about functional strength, posture, and form. A strong core stabilises your trunk, allowing for a harmonious collaboration between your pelvis, hips, and lower back. This synergy reduces energy expenditure and elevates running efficiency, making core strength exercises an essential tool for performance enhancement and injury prevention.

Defining Core Strength

Core strength refers to the robustness of your internal structural stabilisers, which support your torso like a corset, encompassing not just the visible abdominal muscles but also the deep, supportive muscles around your spine and pelvis. These muscles are crucial for maintaining upright posture, stabilising joints, and facilitating movement.

Core Training: A Comprehensive Approach

Effective core strength routines for runners should include exercises targeting the deep abdominals, obliques, back, and compound movements for overall stability. This holistic approach ensures a 3D enhancement of trunk and pelvic stability, crucial for mitigating injury risks and improving running performance.

Benefits of Core Strength Training

Integrating core strength training into your routine offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Enhanced running performance through improved posture and stability.
  • Reduced risk of common running-related injuries.
  • Quick and efficient sessions that can be done anywhere, requiring minimal equipment.
  • A fun and challenging way to tackle your training, alone or with your mates.

Making Core Training Accessible

Emphasising the need for balance, core training should be an enjoyable, non-intimidating addition to a runner's regimen. For those seeking structured guidance, Pilates offers a comprehensive solution, targeting all key areas of core strength to prime runners for peak performance.


Alice Baquie

About Alice Baquie

Alice has been a physio for fourteen years and specialises in injury prevention and management for runners. Alice has represented Australia in distance running and gymnastics so has sound knowledge of athletic performance and understands the importance of strength conditioning and mobility to help keep the body moving effectively to mitigate injuries.

Alice, otherwise known to her wonderful pilates community as AB is a fun loving inclusive person always ready to chat and have a laugh and has hosted 1000’s of online classes which attract people from all around the world, including 25 Aussie Olympians.